Affinity Benefits Group Help Center
I want the BEST insurance available, what should I get?
As with most things, each situation is different and our independent agents work with you to determine the needs of you, your family, or your business. Since each situation is unique, we find the solution that fits your needs.
What is Part A, B, C, and D?
Part A and B are obtained from the Social Security Administration - Part A covers Hospital and Part B covers Medical. Part C is also known as Medicare Advantage and includes Hospital, Medical, and many more benefits. Part D covers Prescription Drug Coverage.
How much does it cost to work with you?
As Independent Agents, we get paid from the Insurance Carriers. Plans have built in commissions so there is no extra fee working with us. You get the benefits of an EXPERT to help you navigate the Health Insurance world at zero cost!
Do plans cost more through Affinity Benefits Group?
No! Whether you go direct to a carrier or work with us, the cost is the same. This also allows us to have a ZERO pressure approach while finding a solution that fits your specific needs.​